Monday, March 17, 2014

Arch Enemy: A New Era.

On October 22, 2005, the metal community received a punch to the gut. One of the foremost women who paved the way for female signers in heavy metal had been fired from the ranks of one of the most talented bands on the globe. The debates that followed didn’t surround her dismissal as much as they did her replacement.

Mid-morning March 17, 2014, another change has been made. Angela Gossow, lead singer of the legendary melodic death metal band Arch Enemy, made the decision that after fourteen years in front of the mic that she was ready to step down and pursue another career.

For those that are not within the metal scene, Angela is a cherished figure and will remain as such. She was not only a political activist who fought for anarchy and the belief that people are stronger than the face of any government. But she was also a humanitarian: an individual dedicated to equal rights for animals and humans alike. Above all, she was the voice of encouragement for her fans. Believing that we could stand up and fight for our rights. Putting her faith in us so that we could dismantle the chains of society and defeat the construct of oppressive religion. She broke barriers with her destructive vocals and work ethic: proving that women are just as good (if not better) than most men in metal.

She was a voice that will not be forgotten. She’ll never be lost to us for she will always be in our hearts, on our iPods, and in our CD racks. But sometimes, new voices have to be heard.

"I am passing the torch to the super talented Alissa White-Gluz, whom I've known as a dear friend and a superb vocalist for many years. I always thought she deserved a chance to shine — and now she's getting it. Just like I got that chance back in 2001." – Angela Gossow, March 2014

Splits are generally not amicable. As we saw in 2005, these separations can get ugly.

Fourteen years will change people. Especially in the music industry: a business that is cutthroat and unforgiving. So many people lose the chance at having their voices heard due to the idea that music is now a way of profit and monetary gain: as is much of the world today unfortunately. Not once did I ever feel that Arch Enemy was about the money. They used their opportunity in the industry to open hearts, minds, body and soul. Angela was only one part of the band. From the few words released today via the press and the band, Arch Enemy has taught the metal and music community that music is about the words, messages, and love: not single members.

With the addition of the talented Alissa White-Gluz [ex-The Agonist] to Arch Enemy, metal fans across the world will divide. And I don’t understand why.

Fans of the band went through a break-up in November of 2000 when original vocalist Johan Liiva was dismissed from the band. The vocalist may have changed, but the message and the music didn’t.

For those that know and have met her, we know that Alissa is a giving individual much like Angela. She is an activist for PETA, a lifelong vegetarian, and for many years now, a dedicated vegan. Her previous band The Agonist was one of the best up and coming metal bands out of Canada. Musically, they had a contrasting sound to Arch Enemy. But lyrically and spiritually, the band embodied much of the same virtues and values of Arch Enemy.

Which is why we need not complain. Alissa is just as talented as Angela, and arguably, more vocally eclectic. Her usage of harsh and clean vocals appear on all three of The Agonist’s albums, and after seeing her twice on tour with American metal band Kamelot, she practically confirmed that she is one of the best metal vocalists in the world today.

Angela Gossow did what I haven’t seen in my years as a metal fan. She graciously stepped down from her position in a world famous band too not only to gain new experiences and insights in life, but also selflessly allowed a talented young artist the opportunity of a lifetime. You don’t see this happen in the music business. For me, this is unheard of.

There is no bad blood in the band and there shouldn’t be. 2011’s “Khaos Legions” saw the band at their absolute best. It saw Angela at her best and most vicious. Whether or not we agree with Angela’s decision, she deserves our respect. Alissa deserves our support. She deserves the opportunity. Her hard work ethic and dedication to what she loves is beyond me.

Don’t make this like 2005. That was complete bullshit then, and still to this day, it remains utter bullshit.

“War Eternal” rises in June 2014 with Alissa White-Gluz at the helm.

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